Friday, June 12, 2009

Dirty fourty

I had formed this title in 1999 it self. I am an indian and I had the darshan of fourty dirties in my life in our country . in my trails to communicate the solution for the all problems of India. Our Bloody MPs are enjoying all the hell they have to plan and solve the problems of the country. But my self? I hadnt been elected atleast as a ward member .. Yet I had analysed the falls and regains of the economies of the world countries and drafted a plan (Operation India 2000) . You can know more about it afterwards.. I am giving few hints from my plan.. All the 10 crore unemployed will be employed- all the Indian rivers would be linked in a short period .. present currency will be banned and new one will be intreduced (to root out the black money) ,co-operative farming will be implemented..Presidential form of govt will be there.

Coming to the point as I had the darshans of the above dirty fourty I want share my feeling about them.

Dirty number one
The prosittutionalised journalism. I had drafted a fine plan to resolve all the problems of India. I had sent 200 copies of my plan to the Speaker of loksabha to distribute among the mPs .(11-6-98)

But he hadnt done it. I had wrote the issue with all documentary eveidence to the dailies in Tamil,Telugu,and English. But except some 3 no magazine had flashed this crucial news.

Still in the year 2003 the CM of AP him self promised me for the appropriate usage of my plan.

Afterwards it had became the care taker govt. The successors also not taken any action.

I had sat on hunger strike for 10 use!

I had announced a padha yathra to the state capital no use.

India will be prosperous and will

I am an alien in my town,mandal,district even in my state and country..

why because I always think about my mother land and dreaming its golden age

I had drafted a plan to rebuilt India:The main points of my plan.1. Implementing presidential form of govt.2. Appointing a special army with 10 crore unemployedyouth.3. Handing over the project of linking Indian riversto them.4. Abolishing present currency and introducing newone.5. Undertaking all the agricultural lands after payingcompensation in shape of bonds payable in double afterfive years.6. Implementing co-operative farming. 1. Implementing presidential form of govt.By this the chief excutive of the country will behaving power to implement the next coming points.There will be stability .2. Appointing a special army with 10 crore unemployedyouth.
By this all the unemployed will be given chance tocontribute to the national income and have ashare(percapita income)
3. Handing over the project of linking Indian riversto them.The north part of the nation is suffering with floodsand south part of the nation is suffering withdrought. Linking all Indian rivers is the onlysolution. Anyhow the Indian economy is depended onagriculture. Irrigation is a fundamental need forsuccessful agriculture.
If this project is handed to any pvt constructioncompany it will take minimum 100 years. If it ishanded to the special military formed with the 10crore unemployed youth it can be completed with in 5years.
4. Abolishing present currency and introducing newone.The black money prevailing in the Indian market is theonly cause for hike in prices,falling govts etc. thereis no other measure to root out the black money.
5. Undertaking all the agricultural lands after payingcompensation in shape of bonds payable in double afterfive years.
Factors of productions are four. Land,labour,capital,and organization. In India there are twoclasses one is ruling and another is ruled. The 3factors of production ( land,capital and organizationare in the hands of ruled class.only the labour is inthe hands of ruled class. In this condition atleastthe land can be plucked by the govt from the hands ofruling class. To avoid violence the govt can giveproper componsation . As there is no source it cangive it in shape of Bond payabe after 5 years.
6. Implementing co-operative farming.By this the returns from the lands will go to themembers and every member will work hard for the goodresult. Large scale production will be possible.
My trails to communicate this to the Indian govt:
on 11-6-98 I had sent 200 copies of the plan to theloksabha speaker and requested to distribute the MPs.First they denied the recipt then asked for freshcopy. I had sent but invain. Finally I had sentRs.50/- through a postal order towards postage toreturn the plan copies . It was delivered. But stillthe plan copies are pending in the office of thespeaker ,Loksabha.
Bitter experience with the office of the CM of AndhraPradesh:
From November of 1997 I am sending the copies of myplan . On 22nd of April 2002 I had sent mo for Rs.10towards postage to respond on my plan. It wasdelivered. I had complined to the CLP leader DR.YS (he is the present cm).
I think he had influenced the pahee. On 3rd ofAugest 2002 the Deputy secratary to cm had sent me anote to send my praposals to place the same before thecm. I had sent. But no response inspite of manyreminders. I had field a petition before the districtconsumers forum in chittoor. By knowing this throughdailies the deputy secretary of cm had wrote me andpromised for the appropriate usage of my plan. Whenmy mo was delivered and cm office hadn’t responded Ihad wrote to the clp leader (Present cm) the office ofthe clp leader had responded in favour.Even though theregime of chandrababu was over the same officials arecontinuing in pahee. They are planfully doing theirbest to hide my letters from the eyes of the cm.
Hunger trike for 10 days: Only to communicate the problem to the cm I had saton hunger strike from 2nd of October 2004. Media hadcovered well the issue. Revenue report gone. Policereport gone. Intelligence report gone .The sp hadconveyed regrets on the negligence of the cm pasheeand promised me that he will take this to the noticeof the cm. But invain. Responding to my emails the cmpashee sent a mail and instructed me to contact thecollector. I had contacted. But in spite of manyreminders there was no response.
Padhayathra to the capital: Due to this I had announced a padhayathra to thestatecapital to meet the cm on 8th of april 2005.. Butthe leaders of BC,SC,Vaddara,Madhiga sangams hadrendered unconditional support to my plan operationIndia 2000 and requested me to go by bus if I do sothey will also accompany me. So that I had dropped and planning for a bus yathra to the state capital. Ifmy plan comes out. India will be prosperous and willcome out from the worldwide trap of USA.

sexy Astrology

Every one may think that Astrology is the subject for the old, by the old and among the old actually Astrology is a sexy subject. You can know the sexual behavior of a person by his first letter of his name or his date of birth. You can also know that who may love you /who may satisfy you in sex. You can know the length of the organ of a man/depth of the organ of a woman. You can also know that which part of his or her body will be more sensitive. Here I am listing the sexual behavior of men and woman according to their Zodiac signs.
Mesha: These people may not be interested in fore play. In the matter of men due to excess of heat there will be pre-matured ejaculation. They may have cracks at their organ.
2.Vrushaba; these people will be interested only in talking about sex than doing it. Woman belong to this sign will be ready for sex just after a small kiss or fore play.
3.Mithuna: These people may not separate even after ejaculation. They will be with their sexual partner even after having sex.
4.Karkataka: These people will be worried only about the lock of the door than about sex. They will propose verities of angles or locations to have sex.
5.Simha: These people may suffer with lack of sufficient semen. They will have sex even in open air, on hills, or with animals.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I am working hard to make India rich

I am working hard to make India rich and to free it from the hunger and exploitation. For this . I had drafted a fine plan to link Indian rivers with a special army formed with 10 core unemployed youth in India. And I am struggling with the state and central governments for the communication and implementation of the plan.

In my struggle I was to face lot of bitter experiences. With my own experience , I strongly allege that all the mail ids of the present MPs are bogus/null and void. Why because I had personally derived their ids from the Government of .India portal ( and sent mail to every body. But no mail was properly delivered. Every mail was returned with a note *Unknown user
my plan:
I had named my plan operation India 2000. In 11th of June 1998 itself I had sent 200 printed copies of the plan to the Loksabha speaker and requested him to arrange for the distribution of the same to MPs.

In beginning there was no response from Delhi. After the initiation taken by our MP Sri.N.Ramakrishna Reddy they wrote me a letter denying the delivery of plan copies.

Even though our MP was interested office of the Loksabha had denied the receipt of the plan. I had sent them the proof of delivery. Then they wrote me that they couldn't trace the parcel in their office. They had requested me to send a fresh copy and they would make many copies and disburse them to the MPs. I had sent on the same day. But they hadn't done it even on this day.

I had communicated this plan to our chief ministers office also. (From November of 97). But no response in spite of 1000s of reminders. According to the information act I had approached the District Information officer, State information officer with in the prescribed interval . But there was no information. On 10th of July I had approached the information commission. Then I was to knock the doors of central information commission . But they have wrote me that as the jurisdiction of the state and central governments are the same ,they couldn’t do any thing.

The main points of above said plan:

1. Implementing presidential form of govt.

2. Appointing a special army with 10 core unemployed youth.

3. Handing over the project of linking Indian rivers to them.

4. Abolishing present currency and introducing new one.

5. Undertaking all the agricultural lands after paying compensation in shape of bonds payable in double after five years.

6. Implementing co-operative farming.

1. Implementing presidential form of govt.

By this chief executive of the country will behaving power to implement the next coming points. There will be stability.

2. Appointing a special army with 10 cores unemployed youth.

By this all the unemployed will be given chance to contribute to the national income and have a share(precipitate income)

3. Handing over the project of linking Indian rivers to them.

The north part of the nation is suffering with floods and south part of the nation is suffering with drought. Linking all Indian rivers is the only solution. Anyhow the Indian economy is depended on agriculture. Irrigation is a fundamental need for successful agriculture.

If this project is handed to any pvt construction company it will take minimum 100 years. If it is handed to the special military formed with the 10crore unemployed youth it can be completed with in 5years.

4. Abolishing present currency and introducing new one

The black money prevailing in the Indian market is the only cause for hike in prices, falling govts etc. there is no other measure to root out the black money.

5. Undertaking all the agricultural lands for lease to the co-operative society of the farmers (National wide)

Factors of productions are four. Land, labor, capital, and organization. In India there are two classes one is ruling and another is ruled. The 3factors of production ( land, capital and organization are in the hands of ruled class. only the labor is in the hands of ruled class. In this condition at least the land can be plucked by the government from the hands of ruling class. To avoid violence the government can give it for lease to the co-operative society of the farmers.

6. Implementing co-operative farming

.By this the returns from the lands will go to the members and every member will work hard for the good result. Large scale production will be possible.

My trails to communicate this to the Indian government:

On 11-6-98 I had sent 200 copies of the plan to the loksabha speaker and requested to distribute the MPs.First they denied the receipt then asked for fresh copy. I had sent but in vain. Finally I had sentRs.50/- through a postal order towards postage to return the plan copies. It was delivered. But still the plan copies are pending in the office of the speaker, Loksabha.

Bitter experience with the office of the CM of Andhra Pradesh:

From November of 1997 I am sending the copies of my plan. On 22nd of April 2002 I had sent mo for Rs.10towards postage to respond on my plan. It was delivered. I had complained to the CLP leader DR.YS (he is the present cm).

I think he had influenced the pahee. On 3rd ofAugest 2002 the Deputy Secretary to cm had sent me a note to send my proposals to place the same before thecm. I had sent. But no response in spite of many reminders. I had field a petition before the district consumer's forum in chittoor. By knowing this through dailies the deputy secretary of cm had wrote me and promised for the appropriate usage of my plan. When my mo was delivered and cm office hadn't responded I had wrote to the clip leader (Present cm) the office of the clip leader had responded in favour.Even though the regime of chandrababu was over the same officials are continuing in pahee. They are plan fully doing their best to hide my letters from the eyes of the cm.

Hunger strike for 10 days:

Only to communicate the problem to the cm I had sat on hunger strike from 2nd of October 2004. Media had covered well the issue. Revenue report gone. Police report gone. Intelligence report gone .The sp had conveyed regrets on the negligence of the cm pashee and promised me that he will take this to the notice of the cm. But invain. Responding to my emails the cm pashee sent a mail and instructed me to contact the collector. I had contacted. But in spite of many reminders there was no response.

Padhayathra to the capital:

Due to this I had announced a padhayathra to the state capital to meet the cm on 8th of April 2005.. But the leaders of BC, SC, Vaddara, Madhiga sangams had rendered unconditional support to my plan operation India 2000 and requested me to go by bus if I do so they will also accompany me. So that I had dropped and planning for a bus yathra to the state capital. If my plan comes out. India will be prosperous and will come out from the worldwide trap of USA.

Information Act:
I had tried with the help of Information Act also. But to my surprise all the district, state information officer hadn’t responded. I had complained to the state information commission also. But no response.I had appealed to the Central information commission also. But they told that the jurisdiction of the state and central commissions are the same and they cannot do justice.

Writ in Supreme court:

I am planning to file a writ at supreme court to order the speaker to distribute the copies of my plan to the MPs. For this I have to enclose an income certificate. I am struggling to get it from the local Tahasildar.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Exploitation in Telugu print Media

You may be shocked to hear that Indian media which is advocating against exploitation is itself exploits its reporters/sub editors/editors/sales representatives/advertisement representatives and leads them towards black mailing and corruption. Yes it is my personal exit is my personal experience . I am prepared to give this same statement as an affidavit.

In beginning I too trusted that media is beyond corruption and it is the last trust for a victim. But as well as I had entered in to the media as reporter in chittoor Andra Pradesh I had understood that media means exploitation by the management and leading journalists to corruption and blackmailing.

All the leading Telugu dailies are having their own news agency. For example :

Enadu-News today ; Andhrajyothi-Online, Vartha – Prabhatha vartha. ; Andhraprabha –keerthi News Net work. Every reporter other than staff reporter will be appointed to the concern news agency. Even though he is serving to the major Telugu daily according to law and records he is a worker of un known news agency. They will get only line account. It means 30 or 50 paisa per Centimeter. But the same magazine may collect Rs.75 to 175 per CM for publishing commercial advertisements. Only in some of the dailies the staff reporters are paid salary. That too in some of the dailies i.e. Andhraprabha in past will not pay a single piece from the head office. The staff reporter has to run the unit office out of commercial and government advertisements . After meeting all the expenses i.e. Office rent, power charges, telephone charges ,salary to the DTP operator only he can take his salary. Some times the advertisement manager may double cross the staff reporter and fly with advertisement charges. Except 5 major dailies no reporter is paid line account also. They have live with corruption and blackmailing by using the logo of the newspaper.

Due to this some of the staff reporters are swallowing all the advertisement charges received . But no one is courageous to sue on him. Why because if they want to sue on them they have to recognize them as their employee. The print media is very keen in flashing exploitation in the society. But the print media it self exploiting the workers. It is a cruel joke .

All the dailies are pressuring their reporter to canvas for advertisements and fixing targets. By this indirectly the management pressures him to bow to the rich, powered, ruling class. I had worked as a town reporter for Andhraprabha Telugu daily from chittoor for 2 years. One year I was to work even without an ID and aggradations . In the next year only the management recommended the DPRO to issue aggradations . I was to work with out receiving a single paisa. As I am an astrologer and a son of Retired District Treasury officer I was able to maintain my family without any corruption. But I had noticed that many reporters were turned in to *Dalaries (middle men) and exploiting the people .

Always they will be at police stations, check posts, office of the MRO and recommending somebody for some thing. They would collect their bribes even before the work is completed. Some of them were collecting monthly bribes from check posts, and in some government offices also. Recently the managements of Dailies are applying another tactics . They are running school of journalisms and giving training . In the training period itself they are used to publish the news items given by the students of school of journalism .

There was a hearsay about the entry of Vartha Telugu daily by Sangi brothers. It was alleged that the management of Vartha and Enadu had tried to get some 100s of Aceres of land in ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Hyderabad city and Enadu was successful. Only due to this failure sangi brothers had started Vartha just to balance the imbalance while comparing to Ramoji rao groups (Enadu).

Recently a demand was created by the management of Soorya Daily (to be released in short time / there is a hearsay that it belong to the kith and kin of the CM ofAP ) for reporters.

These are all well known truths. What the hell is going on ? Is the labour commission is in deep sleep? Is the working journalist union is at coma ?

Rajnikant offered one crore

hi .. Rajini kanth had also talked about linking indian rivers . Already I am praposing a plan for it.According to my plan a special army would be formed with 10 crore unemployed youth and it will link the rivers. The name of my plan is operation India. If the government decides to give them a singl tea for one time budget of 20 crores may be wanted to do it. But Rajni offers 1 crore . What a joke?

Had u saw his latest movy Sivaji. In it he shows a new way to vanish black money . According to it all the black money must be sent to abroad and get back in dollars. What the hell he is saying. From abroad u may get just RDX or veapons. No dollars Mr. Rajini..........

In my plan I had recommended to abolish the present currency and to issue new one. People having old may have new after proving their old currency as a legal one.

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